December 26, 2012

Touching Lives in Ethiopia

Laura Matheny, R.N. - Medical Outreach Coordinator 

A team of 39 volunteers recently traveled with us on our medical/dental outreach to a rural area in Ethiopia, Africa to provide the gift of medical and dental care to those in need. We met an overwhelming number of people in desperate need of even the most basic care. Throughout the week-long outreach, we had to remind ourselves that even though we may not have been able to help them all, it would be worth it even if we could change and help the life of just one.

On one of the days, we had a five year old boy with a large birth defect in his eye come into the clinic. This external cyst had grown on his eye and was protruding out to the point where he could no longer see or close his eye. Because of its repulsive appearance, the child and mother were considered outcasts of their village. As a result, they suffered from starvation. The child was transferred to the hospital by our team and with a simple, inexpensive surgery we were able to bless him with, the cyst will be removed and the child will regain his vision. His family will be accepted back into his community and the quality of his life will be drastically improved as he will no longer live with the shame of the physical deformity.

Jesus Himself said that he would leave the ninety-nine in search of the one. He was able to do that through our team on this outreach in Ethiopia. We were able to touch the lives of over 4,000 precious people, one by one, through the gift of free medical and dental care. We give honor to God for allowing us to participate in His mission across the earth.
Hand of Hope is the missions arm of Joyce Meyer Ministries. Our goal is simply to help as many hurting people as we possibly can, to alleviate human suffering and to help Christians grow in their faith.

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December 19, 2012

Hurricane Sandy Update: Providing Hope

Mike Messner - Director of Domestic Outreach 

People whose lives have been changed forever by the destruction left behind by Hurricane Sandy continue the clean-up and restoration process. Thousands of people are still in need of long-term help, hope and rebuilding. The need for assistance continues to be tremendous.

Because of your generous support, Hand of Hope is able to partner with Third Day Missions in Staten Island and Christ Tabernacle in Queens to provide long-term disaster relief support for those still experiencing the lasting damages caused by this devastating storm. Through partnerships with these local organizations, Hand of Hope will work to provide long-term, lasting solutions and support to those affected by Hurricane Sandy.
Hand of Hope is the missions arm of Joyce Meyer Ministries. Our goal is simply to help as many hurting people as we possibly can, to alleviate human suffering and to help Christians grow in their faith.

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December 12, 2012

Seeds of Hope for the People of Portugal

Like many people around the world today, the people of Portugal are in the midst of a severe economic crisis. Many find themselves facing critical financial challenges, and in some cases have lost hope for the future.
In an effort to bring renewed hope to the people of Portugal, Hand of Hope recently sent 7,000 of Joyce’s books, translated into Portuguese, for distribution throughout the country. Working with local church pastors, these books have been given out to those in need of an encouraging word through evangelism outreaches, church groups, and teen outreaches.
Response has been tremendous. One local pastor shared, “I believe these books are seeds of great hope for the people of Portugal and have come at just the right time.” Through this simple gesture, people’s lives are being changed and their hope is being restored.
Hand of Hope is the missions arm of Joyce Meyer Ministries. Our goal is simply to help as many hurting people as we possibly can, to alleviate human suffering and to help Christians grow in their faith.

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December 05, 2012

Softening Hearts Hardened in Prison

Roy Lormis, Joyce Meyer Ministries Prison Ministry 

This was another amazing year for our Prison Ministry team. To date in 2012, we visited 156 prisons in the United States and distributed 215,000 bars of soap, bottles of shampoo and copies of Joyce’s books to inmates. We held 132 services in the prisons and were able to lead 10,767 inmates to the Lord!

We recently visited all 50 prisons in California where we saw a lot of thankful men and women. One man in particular, in the High Desert facility, comes to mind. He showed me an empty shampoo bottle he had from our previous visit in 2002. He had kept it as a reminder of someone caring enough to visit and giving the inmates gifts. He couldn’t get over the fact we were back again with gifts for everyone. He just lit up with smiles and tons of thanks.

Our heartfelt thanks to the partners and friends of Joyce Meyer Ministries – your support allows us to travel the world sharing the message of hope and healing that is freely available to everyone through Christ Jesus. Together we truly are better.
Hand of Hope is the missions arm of Joyce Meyer Ministries. Our goal is simply to help as many hurting people as we possibly can, to alleviate human suffering and to help Christians grow in their faith.

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November 28, 2012

Water Wells in Zambia, Africa

Wayne Eaves, JMM Africa Outreach 

Hand of Hope is partnering with Overland Missions in Zambia, Africa to dig wells for people in the region who do not readily have access to clean water. Overland Missions equips their teams with the skills they will need to go out into the community to share the gospel and dig fresh water wells. The location of each well is carefully assessed and chosen. Before a location is even considered, the Overland Missions teams share the gospel and evangelize in the community. Their goal is to ensure they will have a good relationship in the local villages and on-going partnerships with people who will subsequently use and maintain the wells.

Seven wells funded by Hand of Hope have now been completed. These wells will make an impact in the daily lives and, more importantly, make a huge difference in the health of the people they serve. Providing fresh water seems like something so simple, but when you hear the people in these rural villages tell you about how “God has brought them water” you begin to understand how something so simple is also so very powerful.
Hand of Hope is the missions arm of Joyce Meyer Ministries. Our goal is simply to help as many hurting people as we possibly can, to alleviate human suffering and to help Christians grow in their faith.

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November 21, 2012

Physical and Emotional Healing in El Salvador

Often times, people are forced into facing tragic moments in their lives, causing a great deal of not only physical but emotional pain as well. It is the kind of pain which runs deep into the soul and can have a profound effect. It has no prejudice to location, gender, or social status.

On our recent medical/dental outreach to El Salvador we met someone in this type of pain, 62 year old Marta. Marta came to our clinic with chronic back pain. One of our clinic volunteers worked on relieving the physical burden of pain in her back; Marta began to share about her life. She had been married for many years and had three adopted children. She was a victim of abuse throughout her entire marriage up until the day her husband died. Following his death, she discovered he had also been abusing their adopted children. Now grown, the children wanted absolutely nothing to do with Marta. It hurt her deeply. The physical pain in her back was an extension of the pain in her spirit. She was carrying the shame and responsibility for the actions of her deceased husband.

God not only used our medical team to physically treat Marta’s back pain but to also treat her spirit through prayer and one of Joyce’s books. As she left the clinic, she thanked our team for being there. Our outreach to El Salvador treated many physicals ailments as well as touched the lives and hearts of the people we met - restored lives, new freedoms, lasting peace.

Hand of Hope is the missions arm of Joyce Meyer Ministries. Our goal is simply to help as many hurting people as we possibly can, to alleviate human suffering and to help Christians grow in their faith.

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November 14, 2012

Providing Shoes to the Children of Mongolia

Mike Messner - HOH Director of Domestic Outreach 

God can use anything, anywhere, at any time to open people’s hearts to hear His word. Recently, He used shoes in Mongolia. Hand of Hope, in conjunction with Gleaning for the World, provided over 26,000 pairs of Sketcher shoes to be distributed throughout Mongolia. Christian Veterinary Mission (CVM) is working to distribute the shoes to Mongolian children ages 6 - 15. During the shoe distribution a Christian video is shown to the children and a personal testimony is shared with them by someone whose life was changed because of Jesus. As a practical example of Christ’s love for them, the children are told the shoes were given to them by Christian organizations from America who love and care for them.

CVM was invited by the principal of a school in Southern Mongolia to distribute shoes to a class of 6 year old children (pictured) who were very much in need of footwear. Each child received a pair of shoes for their size. The children and the teacher of the class expressed their gratitude for the free shoes.
Hand of Hope is the missions arm of Joyce Meyer Ministries. Our goal is simply to help as many hurting people as we possibly can, to alleviate human suffering and to help Christians grow in their faith.

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November 08, 2012

Life After Hurricane Sandy

Ginger Stache - Chief Media Officer, Joyce Meyer Ministries 

72 year old Nancy secured everything she could in her Ocean City, New Jersey house and then climbed the pull-down stairs to ride out the storm in her dark, freezing attic. Three days later a local pastor found her dehydrated and emotionally spent - her home flooded with sludgy water.

The DRADT team (Disaster Relief And Disaster Training) is equipping volunteers and working with the local church to help people like Nancy. And Hand of Hope is providing for teams like DRADT and Convoy of Hope who are literal lifelines at times like this.

There is more to do. Thank you for sending us to meet physical and spiritual needs.
Hand of Hope is the missions arm of Joyce Meyer Ministries. Our goal is simply to help as many hurting people as we possibly can, to alleviate human suffering and to help Christians grow in their faith.

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October 30, 2012

Hurricane Sandy Disaster Relief Efforts

Hurricane Sandy has left millions without power, homes burned and flooded and families without loved ones. Hand of Hope is partnering with Convoy of Hope and the New York City Dream Center to provide meals and cleaning supplies to those affected by the storm. Convoy of Hope trucks are pre-positioned near disaster zones in New York and Pennsylvania, two of the areas hit hardest by Sandy, to provide immediate relief.

Please continue to keep those impacted by the storm in your prayers. Our hearts and prayers go out to them.
Hand of Hope is the missions arm of Joyce Meyer Ministries. Our goal is simply to help as many hurting people as we possibly can, to alleviate human suffering and to help Christians grow in their faith.

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October 24, 2012

Helping ‘The Least of These’ in the DR

Laura Matheny, R.N. – HOH Medical Outreach Coordinator 

We recently had the privilege of working alongside our long-time ministry partner Love A Child in the Dominican Republic where we provided medical and dental care to over 2,400 displaced Haitian people. Our team of medical and dental volunteers was able to demonstrate the love of Christ – even for ‘the least of these’ in the sugar cane fields of the Dominican Republic where many displaced Haitians not only work, but also live. These precious people are often treated very poorly and considered outcasts. We ministered to them by providing free medical/dental care, meals and prayer.

We saw so many amazing things take place during this outreach. A witchdoctor came to one of our clinics and fell to his knees accepting Christ. A crippled woman who used a cane to walk received prayer and was completely healed and no longer needed her cane. Another woman had a life-threatening infection in her body that was completely healed through treatment and prayer. It was a phenomenal week as we served the Lord together. Thank you partners for being our hands extended, allowing us to bring relief and hope to the hurting.
Hand of Hope is the missions arm of Joyce Meyer Ministries. Our goal is simply to help as many hurting people as we possibly can, to alleviate human suffering and to help Christians grow in their faith.

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October 17, 2012

Historic Program Launched in South Africa

Brad Senekal – Outreach Director JMM South Africa 

We are thrilled to announce the launch of the National School Chaplaincy Program (NSCP) in South Africa! As a principle partner with Reaching a Generation, Joyce Meyer Ministries helped to pioneer this exciting new program which seeks to pave a way to have Christian chaplains in every school in South Africa, and eventually in other countries in Africa as well.

At Joyce Meyer Ministries, we believe in the potential of children and youth, and that one generation enlightened and inspired by God can radically transform a nation. We also believe in the potential that educators have to influence the upcoming generation. Since the launch, the NSCP has already gained great support from the government’s education departments in a majority of the provinces in South Africa and many teachers have begun signing up. The program will train, equip and support teachers in a correspondence curriculum (using several of Joyce’s books) to serve as chaplains in their schools, and provide them with a framework of endorsement to raise a morally sound, God-connected generation.

We thank our partners for their prayer and support, and encourage all educators in South Africa to go to to join us by signing up to become a chaplain.
Hand of Hope is the missions arm of Joyce Meyer Ministries. Our goal is simply to help as many hurting people as we possibly can, to alleviate human suffering and to help Christians grow in their faith.
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October 10, 2012

Saving As Many Girls As We Can

David L. Meyer – CEO Hand of Hope

There doesn’t seem to be any part of the world I travel to that is not in some way affected by the abomination of human trafficking. On a recent trip abroad, I discovered the beautiful nation of Spain was no different. Spain has a very serious problem with human trafficking – thousands of victims are trafficked to Spain from Romania, Russia, Brazil, Colombia and Nigeria and are abused every day.

The stories are so very similar, girls are lied to and deceived and end up in perilous situations. In Spain, many of these girls ultimately end up in internment centers where the conditions are far worse than any prison. We are partnering with an organization in Spain called “Fiet Gratia” to help. Staff members from Fiet Gratia (pictured) visit internment centers daily, providing girls with a basic toiletry kit, a telephone card, clean clothes and one of Joyce’s books. They also talk with each girl, pray with them and offer support and help upon their release.

What happens to some of these girls physically makes me mad. I’ve said it before, we simply have to stand up and do something about it. By God’s grace, and with your help as partners, we are doing something about it, saving as many girls as we can, not only in Spain, but around the world.
Hand of Hope is the missions arm of Joyce Meyer Ministries. Our goal is simply to help as many hurting people as we possibly can, to alleviate human suffering and to help Christians grow in their faith.

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October 08, 2012

New Well of Life Dedication

David L. Meyer – CEO Hand of Hope

Today was an extraordinary day. As many of you know we have been committed to providing clean water as a huge percent of disease globally is caused by contaminated water. Where we can, we also love to build a church next door. We have seen that when a well is dug next to a church it becomes a huge evangelism tool. Just in India we have built well over 500 of these projects.

What was special about today is we got to personally take the financial sponsor of the project (Dennis and Sheila Hammond) to dedicate it. They pumped water for the first time, prayed over both the well and the church and spoke a great message to the people of the village.

As a side line, Tyler Ramsey and Jacque Berg got remarried in the church in the local Indian customs and dress.

Fun day and great win for the kingdom!

Thanks to all who pray and financially support us to go and help these people.
Hand of Hope is the missions arm of Joyce Meyer Ministries. Our goal is simply to help as many hurting people as we possibly can, to alleviate human suffering and to help Christians grow in their faith.

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October 04, 2012

HIV Positive Kids Get a Special Day

David L. Meyer – CEO Hand of Hope

Today was a great day.

We started with the 2 hour always adventurous drive to Chandrakal, India. Here Hand of Hope operates a hospital and a home for HIV positive kids.

We had the privilege of having artist Tyler Ramsey and his wife Jacque join us. Tyler who paints shoes for TOMS painted a personalized pair of shoes for each of the 60+ children who live in the home. This will be an experience they will never forget.

Hand of Hope has been blessed to partner with TOMS in India to provide shoes for multitudes of kids.
Hand of Hope is the missions arm of Joyce Meyer Ministries. Our goal is simply to help as many hurting people as we possibly can, to alleviate human suffering and to help Christians grow in their faith.

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September 28, 2012

Helping the Needy in Indonesia

David L. Meyer – CEO Hand of Hope

Joyce Meyer Ministries/Hand of Hope feeds 1,900 kids daily in 13 locations all across Indonesia. Today we visited one program where the families live and work in the city trash dump. For every kilo of plastic they collect they make about 2 cents. Here at the dump we feed about 150 kids 5 days a week, teach them basic skills and the love of Jesus. Thanks for helping us keep them alive.

Question: did you have to do your own laundry at this age?

Hand of Hope is the missions arm of Joyce Meyer Ministries. Our goal is simply to help as many hurting people as we possibly can, to alleviate human suffering and to help Christians grow in their faith.

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September 26, 2012

Medical Outreach in Madagascar

Wade Hosseini – HOH Medical Outreach Coordinator 

We recently held our first-ever medical/dental outreach in rural Madagascar, treating some of the neediest people in the region. Patients walked from neighboring villages as far away as 30 miles each day to receive free medical and dental treatment provided by the Hand of Hope volunteer medical and dental team. Twenty-five volunteers from around the world – including 5 different nations, helped aid in relieving human suffering while sharing the love of Christ to those in need.

Patients like 4 year old Marie (pictured) easily faced death had preventative care not have been provided on this outreach. Marie suffered for years from an oral abscess from a single infected tooth which grew through her cheek and began to eat away her ear canal allowing severe infection to take over. Left untreated she could have died. We treated Marie with antibiotics for a week then extracted her tooth and the swelling/infection was reduced. She was pain free and all smiles by the time we left. Without the support from Hand of Hope, children just like Marie would continue to face conditions like this, and much worse. We're all extremely blessed to have been involved in all that God is doing in Madagascar and around the world!
Hand of Hope is the missions arm of Joyce Meyer Ministries. Our goal is simply to help as many hurting people as we possibly can, to alleviate human suffering and to help Christians grow in their faith.

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September 19, 2012

Giving Hope to Inmates in the UK

Jack Elledge - Office Director, Joyce Meyer Ministries United Kingdom 

Joyce Meyer Ministries United Kingdom office, in partnership with Abundant Life Church of Bradford, Love Life Ministry and The Message Trust, visited 13 prisons in the northern part of the United Kingdom and distributed 6,000 hygiene gift bags to inmates. Fifty-two inmates gave their lives to Christ through services held in three prisons.

We were able to do something, which to my knowledge has never been done before on this scale in this country. We were able to bring hope to many who had lost faith and confidence that people on the outside still cared about them. We had the opportunity to share the love of God and bring hope back into the lives of men and woman who felt forgotten. This outreach will have a lasting impact not only to the inmates that we ministered to, but also on all of those who gave their time and heart to reach out to those in need.
Hand of Hope is the missions arm of Joyce Meyer Ministries. Our goal is simply to help as many hurting people as we possibly can, to alleviate human suffering and to help Christians grow in their faith.

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September 12, 2012

Giving Children in India a Better Future

Megan Coleman - Hand of Hope

This is Suresh; he lives in one of the largest slum areas in Hyderabad, India. Statistically, he was born into a life of failure and hopelessness. Thankfully we don’t live by statistics. Suresh attends a feeding program, sponsored by Joyce Meyer Ministries/Hand of Hope, located in the center of the slum where he lives. Suresh, along with 239 other children from the area, goes to the feeding program to receive what for many is their only meal of the day. In addition to receiving nutritious meals, these children are also given an education and an opportunity to learn about Jesus. Medical care is also provided to the children on a weekly basis.

In India, children attend school through the 10th grade; they then take a state wide board exam, similar to an exit exam. Only the children that do well on this exam are allowed to go on to what is considered college, which is similar to the 11th and 12th grade. Children who advance to these grades normally would not come from the slums. Suresh is an exception to these statistics. His score was 528 out of 600 on the exam. A typical score for a child from the slums would only be around 300. Hand of Hope center in Hyderabad is more than just a feeding program; it is truly changing lives forever and giving children hope of a better future. The best part is Suresh knows that God is the reason that it’s all possible.

Hand of Hope is the missions arm of Joyce Meyer Ministries. Our goal is simply to help as many hurting people as we possibly can, to alleviate human suffering and to help Christians grow in their faith.

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September 05, 2012

Dental Clinic Opens in Cambodia

Ashley Wilkins, R. N. - Hand of Hope Medical Outreach Director

If you ever had to endure the pain of a cavity, a root canal or an abscessed tooth for a day or two, you know how terribly painful of an experience that can be. Imagine living with that unbearable pain not for days or even weeks, but for months and sometimes years. For some people in Pursat, Cambodia who do not have access to good dental care, that excruciating pain can be a normal way of life. Not any longer. On a visit to the Hand of Hope Health Center in Pursat earlier this year, Joyce asked if the people in the region had access to good quality dental care to which the answer was “no.” Joyce decided to do something about that.

Today, thanks to the support of our partners, there is a state-of-the-art dental clinic in Pursat complete with a full-time dentist, dental assistant, dental chair, an x-ray machine and dental instruments. The dental clinic is part of the Hand of Hope Health Center in Pursat and is open 5 days a week – treating almost 20 patients every day! Patients are given an education on good oral hygiene and how important it is to their overall health. Something as simple as a qualified dentist and the right equipment is making a wonderful difference in the lives of the people of Cambodia. Seeing a need and filling it is a very practical way to help people and show the love of Christ.

Hand of Hope is the missions arm of Joyce Meyer Ministries. Our goal is simply to help as many hurting people as we possibly can, to alleviate human suffering and to help Christians grow in their faith.

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August 30, 2012

Hurricane Isaac: Disaster Relief Update

The remnants of Hurricane Isaac continue to blow through Louisiana creating widespread destruction through fierce winds, torrential downpours, flooding, and power outages. In response to the devastation, Hand of Hope is working with Convoy of Hope, Gleaning for the World, and Healing Place Church in Baton Rouge to provide disaster relief efforts where they are needed in the form of: blankets, juice, water, food, pet supplies, and clean-up.

We continue to pray for all of those affected by this storm and for those providing rescue and relief efforts.

Hand of Hope is the missions arm of Joyce Meyer Ministries. Our goal is simply to help as many hurting people as we possibly can, to alleviate human suffering and to help Christians grow in their faith.

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August 29, 2012

Working Together for Healing in Haiti

Shelly Meyer – Hand of Hope International Relations Officer

Several years ago Joyce Meyer Ministries/Hand of Hope partnered with Love A Child in Haiti to help with the start-up costs to open the Jesus Healing Center. We still support this medical clinic on a monthly basis as it treats the poorest of the poor, saves lives, and shows forth the love of God in action. The Ministry of Health department in Haiti appointed the Jesus Healing Center as the official community health center for their region. This has allowed Love A Child the opportunity to further expand their outreach into the community.

The clinic is known to have the best-trained medical staff in the region and now regularly receives patients referred from other clinics and hospitals. They are very proud of this unexpected development and have expanded to accommodate the need. Thank you to our friends and partners for providing excellent medical care and hope to the poor of Haiti.

Hand of Hope is the missions arm of Joyce Meyer Ministries. Our goal is simply to help as many hurting people as we possibly can, to alleviate human suffering and to help Christians grow in their faith.

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August 24, 2012

Serving God in Central America

Wade Hosseini - HOH Medical Missions Coordinator

Mission trips are often accompanied by amazing stories of adventures, cultural experiences, and the remarkable people we work with and meet. But, as great as these experiences can be, they are never the goal of the trip – the focus is always sharing the love of Christ.

On a recent medical outreach to Panama we were able to serve God by helping the people of Panama in what is locally known as some of Panama City’s harshest living conditions. Working with Dan Salas Ministries, as well as 25 medical professionals from around the world, we saw areas torn by gang violence and poverty open their doors. As a result, we were able to provide free medical, dental and spiritual care as well as share the gospel with over 1,800 patients in Panama City.

While serving on an outreach in Guatemala we were also able to provide health care to over 1,000 people in desperate need. Each morning there would be lines of sick, injured and undernourished people waiting at the clinics to be treated. Seeing so many people in need can almost make you feel helpless, if not insignificant. However, we were able to bring these precious people hope. Through sharing the gospel, prayer or even a smile and warm touch, we were able to impart something eternal – a hope in Christ that goes beyond daily issues and circumstances.

Our goal on these outreaches is simple - to reach out to as many people in need of medical and dental care as possible, to provide good-quality health care and to share the love Christ has for each and every one of them.

Hand of Hope is the missions arm of Joyce Meyer Ministries. Our goal is simply to help as many hurting people as we possibly can, to alleviate human suffering and to help Christians grow in their faith.

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August 20, 2012

Supplying Hope in Detroit

Mike Messner - HOH Director of Domestic Outreach

One in every three Detroit families lives at or below the poverty line. Among residents in the Detroit metro area, the unemployment rate exceeds 20% and recently, an estimated 20,000 Detroit families lost welfare benefits due to new state limitations, which took effect last fall.

This weekend, thanks to your giving toward the Supply Hope collection of goods at Joyce’s conference in Detroit, Hand of Hope was able to provide hope and encouragement to the Detroit area by partnering with Word of Faith International Christian Center. At the Supply Hope outreach, we were able to prove that together we are better.

Meet Joe and Lana, who came to the outreach site directly from the Detroit Joyce Meyer Ministries Conference. This weekend became a time of both giving and receiving hope to the Detroit area. Lana told of how Jesus used the word "Hope" in Hand of Hope as a special message of His love and forgiveness. At a recent conference with Joyce Meyer, Lana caught a T-shirt that was thrown into the audience as a gift to whomever received it. When she opened it up, the word "Hope" was listed four times on the front of the shirt, with a baby-sized hand on the back shoulder (the Hand of Hope logo). A wave of God's presence swept over her as she thought of her "four" grown children and the one baby they aborted years ago, named…Hope! She said it was as if God was saying, "I understand and will make all things new out of the ashes of our past." Saturday, Lana and her husband were there to give that same message of hope to others.

Partnering with Word of Faith International Christian Center, we distributed diapers, baby wipes, food and supplies to over 800 families in need. In a festival outreach setting, hundreds of children and their parents received free haircuts, car washes, family portraits and more. All "guests" passed through the prayer tent before they left the outreach site where they received the Good News of Christ and prayer for their needs. And, the children enjoyed inflatable games and face painting, with ice cream for all!

Thank you for your support of this outreach with your prayers and the donations you made in Detroit! As Christians, we are called to reach out to those in need, and this weekend you shared the love and hope of Christ to an entire city!

Hand of Hope is the missions arm of Joyce Meyer Ministries. Our goal is simply to help as many hurting people as we possibly can, to alleviate human suffering and to help Christians grow in their faith.

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August 15, 2012

A Safe Home for Babies Orphaned in Uganda

Shelly Meyer – Hand of Hope International Relations Officer

Helping people, especially babies, is something we just simply love to do. Partnering with Watoto in Uganda, to help provide a safe home for orphaned Ugandan children, allows us the opportunity to do just that. We provide support for nearly 70 babies currently being cared for at Watoto.

A holistic child care ministry, Watoto was birthed out of a local church in Kampala, Uganda. Created as a response to the growing number of orphans and vulnerable children in Uganda, Watoto provides physical, educational, spiritual and emotional care for these children. Some of the babies being cared for at Watoto are orphans from a Gulu prison. When there is no family to look after the baby of an inmate, the prison asks Baby Watoto to receive them. The babies are really happy to have toys and friends to play with.

After a recent visit to Watoto, Nancy Alcorn – President of Mercy Ministries, shared with us, “It just grabbed my heart so strongly when I walked through and was able to hold some of the babies, and was able to see the quality of staff and care that is being provided.”

Thank you partners for helping us support Watoto and help these precious babies.

Hand of Hope is the missions arm of Joyce Meyer Ministries. Our goal is simply to help as many hurting people as we possibly can, to alleviate human suffering and to help Christians grow in their faith.

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August 09, 2012

Helping the People of Manila

Hand of Hope is partnering with Convoy of Hope to provide disaster relief to the people of the Philippines affected by recent flooding. Monsoon rains have battered the city of Manila, displacing thousands of residents. Convoy of Hope responded quickly and has already distributed over 43,000 meals to flood victims. They continue to assess the situation to pinpoint where additional relief efforts will be needed. Please pray for all of those affected by this disaster and those working to provide relief.
Hand of Hope is the missions arm of Joyce Meyer Ministries. Our goal is simply to help as many hurting people as we possibly can, to alleviate human suffering and to help Christians grow in their faith.

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August 08, 2012

Hope for a New Life in Thailand

David L. Meyer – CEO Hand of Hope

This is Maleewan and her son, First. Maleewan is 15 years old. At the age of 14, under heavy pressure from her parents to contribute financially to the household, she took a job in a casino in her village of Pan located in the northern part of Thailand. Casinos are against the law in Thailand, but there are many of them throughout the country that provide not only gambling but sex with young girls as well.

Maleewan was sexually exploited and abused by many different men at the casino – becoming pregnant she was forced to leave. A local pastor heard of her situation, took her in during her pregnancy and referred her to the Gabrielle House after First was born. Fully funded by Joyce Meyer Ministries—Hand of Hope, Gabrielle House was created in 2010 as a much needed solution to rescue victims of human trafficking in Thailand and provide a pathway to a new life of safety, stability and productive employment.

Upon her arrival at the Gabrielle house, Maleewan stated she was a strong Buddhist, but it wasn’t long before her heart was changed and she asked Jesus to be a part of her life. Maleewan’s life is changed and she now has hope for a better future. Thank you for helping us rescue Maleewan, and many other children like her, and giving them all an opportunity for a much better life.

Hand of Hope is the missions arm of Joyce Meyer Ministries. Our goal is simply to help as many hurting people as we possibly can, to alleviate human suffering and to help Christians grow in their faith.

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