Her name is Nonate Mkhwanazi, she is a student at the Maphakama Primary School at Clau Clau (in Nelspruit, South Africa). She is only 10 years old, but has already seen a bad side of life. Along with her brother and sister, Nonate lives with her ill and unemployed parents. Her mother receives a small child grant from the government but it is too small to make ends meet for a family of five. Hand of Hope is the missions arm of Joyce Meyer Ministries. Our goal is simply to help as many hurting people as we possibly can, to alleviate human suffering and to help Christians grow in their faith.
Brad Senekal – Outreach Coordinator –
Joyce Meyer Ministries South Africa Office
When the caregivers at the Joyce Meyer Ministry, Hand of Hope feeding center at Clau Clau heard about the suffering of the children, they arranged for all three of the children to visit the center. Now, Nonate and her siblings go to the center each day for a meal. They are now healthy and happy. Nonate said that the future looks brighter to her now. She has also learned a lot about Jesus at the feeding center and has accepted Jesus as her personal Savior! It is feeding programs like this one that not only meet real and immediate physical needs but also meet the real spiritual needs of the children and communities. Thank you partners for helping to make this all possible.
December 28, 2010
Reaching the Children of South Africa
Posted by
12/28/2010 08:35:00 AM
December 22, 2010
A New Church and Water Well in Peru
Hand of Hope was recently able to partner with Camino De Vida to build a new church and a clean water well for the people of Iquitos, Peru. Around 100 people attended the inauguration service and the congregation was so pleased to have a church building and a new source of clean water. Previously the church was meeting in someone’s yard; but now the pastor believes that having the building will really help them establish a solid church in the community. Hand of Hope is the missions arm of Joyce Meyer Ministries. Our goal is simply to help as many hurting people as we possibly can, to alleviate human suffering and to help Christians grow in their faith.
David L. Meyer – CEO Hand of Hope
Thank you to our friends and partners for helping us spread the Word and establish churches. Together we are better!
Posted by
12/22/2010 06:49:00 AM
December 14, 2010
Rescued in Uganda
Born on July 4, 2009, John arrived at Baby Watoto, a home for babies in Gulu, Uganda, when he was only 9 months old. Born to parents living in captivity, he had recently been rescued when he came to us. John was very small for his age and moderately malnourished. It took him a few days to settle into Baby Watoto but we soon learned that he has a stunning smile that he is willing to show anyone who would give him a cuddle! Hand of Hope is the missions arm of Joyce Meyer Ministries. Our goal is simply to help as many hurting people as we possibly can, to alleviate human suffering and to help Christians grow in their faith.
David L. Meyer – CEO Hand of Hope
John has really thrived since being at Baby Watoto and although he is still small he is definitely catching up quickly. He is an independent boy and often goes off exploring when he thinks no one is watching. In mid-December John will move on to the Watoto Children’s Village in Gulu where he will continue to receive much love and support. Thank you partners for helping to give John such a great start in life! Through your generous giving we were able to fully fund building of the babies’ home in Gulu, which opened in April of this year; as well as provide support for monthly operational costs. Together we are truly better!
Posted by
12/14/2010 10:41:00 AM
December 08, 2010
A Life Transformed in Ethiopia
I was recently in Ethiopia. While visiting our home there for women rescued from human trafficking, I was presented with the attached photo and story. Hand of Hope is the missions arm of Joyce Meyer Ministries. Our goal is simply to help as many hurting people as we possibly can, to alleviate human suffering and to help Christians grow in their faith.
David L. Meyer – CEO Hand of Hope
Eled is her name and her background is one of prostitution in the red light district of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. On three separate occasions she tried to commit suicide but was unsuccessful. Then one day someone from International Crisis Aid, who we partner with in Ethiopia, invited her to leave the life of prostitution and come and live in one of the 3 Hand of Hope sponsored homes for young women. These homes currently house 32 girls with similar stories to Eled. After completing the 2 year process of restoration, Eled decided to enroll in nursing school. She is now a nurse serving in the Hand of Hope medical clinic in Angacha, Ethiopia. When I met her a day after hearing her story she was so happy with the most beautiful smile.
Another life transformed!
Posted by
12/08/2010 07:32:00 AM
December 02, 2010
My Hope is in Him: Ethiopia Girls Home
David L. Meyer – CEO Hand of Hope Today we had the pleasure of visiting one of the homes we support in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia which rescues women trapped in the commercial sex trade. One of the precious girls here, Martha A., shared a poem with us that is very powerful. I want to share it with you. Thank you partners for helping us rescue women from human trafficking. Hand of Hope is the missions arm of Joyce Meyer Ministries. Our goal is simply to help as many hurting people as we possibly can, to alleviate human suffering and to help Christians grow in their faith.
My Hope Is In Him by Martha A.
Whatever happened to her? People were saying My strength depleted and my sorrows deep...
To all who gave up on me, to those who've said "she's finished"
Here, a new day has dawned for me, what will you say now?
From afar, from a filthy place
Mockingly they said "she's hopeless"
But I have a God whom I can lean on and take refuge I will bear witness to all who laughed at me
I have faith that a better day has come I will hide in His care and evade the death sentence I will bow down and sing to His praise
Posted by
12/02/2010 07:01:00 AM
December 01, 2010
Haiti Update: Treating Cholera
Ashley Wilkins - Hand of Hope Medical Missions Coordinator
The people of Haiti continue to battle through the effects of the devastating earthquake earlier this year, hurricane Tomas in late October and now are facing a new fight against the infectious disease cholera. Causing severe dehydration, left untreated, cholera can be deadly within hours. Prompt treatment is very important.
We continue to partner with our friends at the Love A Child Jesus Healing Center in Haiti to provide rapid response for the treatment of people who have contracted cholera. They have been literally saving lives, more than 385 people who have been diagnosed with cholera have been successfully treated in the past two weeks. We are continuing to help patients and families on a daily basis who have been affected by this epidemic and we are so grateful to our partners who help make these life saving treatments a possibility.
Please join us in prayer for healing emotionally, spiritually and physically in Haiti.
Hand of Hope is the missions arm of Joyce Meyer Ministries. Our goal is simply to help as many hurting people as we possibly can, to alleviate human suffering and to help Christians grow in their faith.
Posted by
12/01/2010 06:54:00 AM