September 19, 2008


Below is a letter of thanks from an outreach that JMM supports. This ministry trains midwives to deliver and care for babies in the poor regions of Yemen.

Thank you very much Joyce Meyer Ministries for the support!!  It is such a blessing to be able to carry on with the work and having the funds to carry out what we are called to do.

Last week the new midwives, who finished their studies eight months ago, received their diplomas and a fully equipped delivery bag. Attached is a photo from the graduation party.

Many thanks again for making it possible to train these women to help care for the women and new babies in Yemen.


For more information visit Hand of Hope.

September 09, 2008


Marc Cleary

Healing Place Church

Joyce Meyer Ministries is partnering with Service International of St. Louis, Missouri, Healing Place Church in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and Convoy of Hope in Springfield, Missouri, to help victims recover from the hurricane. Below is an update from the field.

The relief effort continues to gain steam as we receive supplies on a steady basis. Our needs remain the same with ice, water and food beginning to be the most pressing needs. Thank you so much for all your help with supplies and finances...even though most of you are not here physically, you are literally giving people eternal hope in spite of this tragedy. Yesterday we worked with Service International cutting down trees off houses and in yards. These guys are unbelievable because they can knock out some serious work very quickly and efficiently. What I admire most about them is their love for the Lord. They were clearing the trees off of one man's house when one of the guys with Service International struck up a conversation with the gentleman. The SI worker discovered that they both served in Vietnam and by the end of the conversation, he led the man to the Lord! That is just one of hundreds of stories that are taking place because of your prayers and support.

Again...thank you for all you do!

For more information visit Hand of Hope.

September 05, 2008


Jamie and Lea Peters
Missionaries to Malawi and Burundi, Africa

Joyce Meyer Ministries supports missionaries Jamie and Lea Peters in Africa. Following is a testimony we recently received from them.

This afternoon seven of the men from our church went with Jamie for an hour to witness on the streets nearby. They brought Joyce Meyer's books, "Peace" and "Tell Them That I Love Them" (translated into Chewa, the local language) and passed them out as they witnessed. These books were well received and truly appreciated. In just an hour, 47 people received Christ! It was an amazing afternoon! Thanks to JMM for working with us to reach this world for Jesus.

For more information visit Hand of Hope.