September 26, 2011

Hope in Lebanon

Ginger Stache - JMM Chief Media Officer

One day Dr. Dawod received an anonymous phone call threatening his family. A Christian in Iraq, he had seen many of his friends hurt, but still wondered whether to take the threat seriously. That is until they denied his son desperately needed medical care then ambushed his car in a torrent of gunfire. He narrowly escaped with his life and knew he had to get his family out of Iraq immediately.

Now living in Beirut, Lebanon, his family is safe but their conditions are still difficult. He is not able to practice medicine and is struggling to find any work. Thankfully Hand of Hope and our partner ministry Heart 4 Lebanon is helping his family through this transition with food, supplies, and loving support. We have loved being here in Beirut and meeting many wonderful people like Dr. Dawod. We are very grateful that our Joyce Meyer Ministries partners are enabling us to be there in this family's greatest time of need -- and many more like them.

Hand of Hope is the missions arm of Joyce Meyer Ministries. Our goal is simply to help as many hurting people as we possibly can, to alleviate human suffering and to help Christians grow in their faith.