October 22, 2010

Caring for the People of India

Ashley Wilkins - Hand of Hope Medical Missions Coordinator

Our medical/dental outreach to Kolkata India has so far been a great success. We have seen the Lord move in mighty ways during the long, hot days serving the people. An outreach of this nature has not taken place in Kolkata in a very long time and the patients have been so grateful for the work the team is doing. All of the treatment and medication we give are completely free for the patients, which has been a wonderful blessing to this area as most may live near a hospital but do not have the financial means to pay for the needed treatment.

I want to send a huge thank you from the field to all of our partners who help to make outreaches like this one possible. Without your assistance thousands of people would have gone without medical/dental care this week but more importantly may not have heard the gospel message we have shared. The medicine has been the doorway into the hearts of the people. Thank you!

Hand of Hope is the missions arm of Joyce Meyer Ministries. Our goal is simply to help as many hurting people as we possibly can, to alleviate human suffering and to help Christians grow in their faith.