This crowd is a result of the great unity of the church in Zimbabwe.
Tonight we had the honor of gathering many of those who worked so hard for months on end to make the “Festival of Life” in Zimbabwe this past June a success. It was great to see everyone again. Hand of Hope is the missions arm of Joyce Meyer Ministries. Our goal is simply to help as many hurting people as we possibly can, to alleviate human suffering and to help Christians grow in their faith.
David L. Meyer – CEO Hand of Hope
We believe it is so very important in the process of an event to pause and say “THANK YOU!" Not one of us has accomplished a thing without the help of others and the success of Joyce Meyer Ministries and Hand of Hope is no different. So perhaps this post may not seem as moving as some of the others but I believe it to be every bit as important. We want to see the nation of Zimbabwe not just look back and say "wasn't it great when Joyce was here?" But for those few days to be the catalyst for unity and further ministry in this country. We are seeing this happen already. God is on the move in Zimbabwe and you all are a part of it. Thanks!!