August 19, 2009


Pat Laforet

Lifeline Maternity Clinic

With the generous and timely funding from Joyce Meyer Ministries, The Rose Tree Maternity Clinic started admitting pregnant mothers on the 25th of May 2009.

Thus far, Lifeline Malawi Ngodzi Maternity unit has admitted 23 mothers and delivered a total of 16 babies. Three of the patients were taken by ambulance to Salima District Hospital due to fetal distress.

Our head maternity nurse, Violet Pota, reports that the women of Ngodzi love the maternity clinic. It is clean, they feel safe, and their babies were born healthy and problem free. She also indicated that the three that were rushed to the hospital would have never gotten as far as the hospital had they been in that kind of distress trying to give birth in their villages with traditional birth attendants. She is certain that the clinic has already saved lives.

Visit our website for information about Hand of Hope.