Bobby & Sherry Burnette
Directors, Love a Child, Inc
We want to thank you so much for the wonderful Joyce Meyer booklets in French! We have distributed many of them and saw that the people brought them back to church with them and held onto them like Bibles. It was so touching.
We are also grateful for your sponsorship of a container of food each month. There aren't enough words to say thank you, especially as we look into the faces of the people when they receive the food.
The clinic is going strong and we are discovering that people are coming from Port au Prince and places even further to receive aid. Recently we found a baby in a village who had a severe burn on his arm. We brought him to the clinic for several treatments and know that he probably wouldn't have survived without medical care.
We know that the partners of Joyce Meyer Ministries would be so blessed to see the fruit of their giving! God is good.
Visit our website for information about Hand of Hope.